
A love of my life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Supports--There through the thick, thin, and the challenges of my future!

There are many factors in my environment that support who I am, what I do, as well as my hopes and goals for the future. It is interesting to reflect on the daily activities and items that I am sure I take for granted a lot of the time.
Computer/Internet- As unbelievable as it may seem, the internet has become an essential part of daily life for me. I cannot believe that it has been this way for over half of my lifetime! Thinking about it really puts things into perspective and it makes me think about how my dreams have evolved over the years with the advances in technology! My computer is one of the first supportive tools that I think of when I wonder about something or seek to communicate with someone. The computer and internet provide support by allowing me to have information and communication any time. I am the first to admit that without it, many aspects of life would be much more difficult. While I agree that this infinite source of support can also make me very lazy, distracted, nosey, it is also invaluable because without it I would not be a student again, I probably would not be as current on issues of the world without my cnn.com homepage, and I certainly would not be able to keep up with and in touch with my loved ones as often.
TashaLu- It may sound incredibly cheesy, especially to those whom are not animal lovers out there, but my dog is an incredible support to me in my daily life. Without her, I know that I would not smile as often, feel as safe, or get as much exercise as I do which keeps the stress down! Even though I get jealous of her when I am up writing a paper or case notes at 3am and she is sleeping by my desk, I know that with her being a rescued dog from the SPCA, I am her main source of support. So, it is refreshing to me that our relationship is always a two-way street! Her love is unconditional, her ears are always alert, and the cock of her head makes me melt even on the worst of days!
Ruby- Ruby is my 9 year old red Saturn LS. When my grandparents helped me buy her a few years ago, the search was very tedious. Not only because my grandparents are 1500 miles away and put their trust in me, but because the car I found would have to last me a very long time and I did not have the greatest track record when it came to vehicular ownership. This modest and humble car has seen me through some of the best and productive years of my life, has been an essential part of my career working with children and families, allowing me to travel to their homes, protected me in some very sketchy neighborhoods, as well as taught me how to take care of a car with patience and responsibility. Without this champion of a car, I would be stuck, literally and figuratively in my life.
My gut- When first reviewing and preparing for this assignment, reading the reflection questions and requirements for the post to this blog I thought to myself “All over this thing I talk about my childhood, my family, my mentors, my career” all of which have been and are supportive of me daily. However, I would have nothing if I did not have my instincts. During my childhood and through to today, my gut has always come through for me in the best ways possible. It allows me to live each day as my last, to be confident in my decision-making including understanding how to trust and depend on others as well as when not to. My instincts have led me to where I am in my life and force me to stay focused on where I am going, despite the obstacles. Without the trust and support, I have in my instincts; I feel that I would regress to being an anxious, scared, indecisive, sad person. Growing up, my gut told me to take advantage of education, my unique background, and experiences, that taking risk was okay and exciting when done smartly. In my adult life, my gut continually supports me by remembering to be proud of whom I am and what I seek to accomplish in the world.

The Challenge:

When reviewing this 2nd part of this blog assignment, at first, I was confused. How am I supposed to think of a challenge, which I do not already face? I was thinking about this for a few days and really did not know how to begin, and then I had a bad personal day, and all of a sudden it became quite clear. I have known that working with children and families was a career that I have been meant to have, my niche. But, I am a firm believer that one can have many niches in their life time, and I am not sure if I will be in this field forever. I think there will be a day, (probably a very long time from now hopefully), that I am going to wake up and want a new type of work. When that time comes, I am going to need A LOT of support in order to keep from becoming overwhelmed and confused. It is a wonder to think about how technology will have advanced by then! Will we be wearing internet sunglasses by then instead of sitting at computer desks or staring at our phones to obtain information? Will my dog be smart enough to pick out the Classifieds for me, and even drive me to interviews? Or, will we be able to just teleport ourselves and not have the need for cars at all? I know these prospects probably sound ridiculous, but I am sure that is what my grandparents would have thought about the internet when they were my age, and in the end, may make life easier! It seems to me the only constant here is my gut. Having the confidence in my instincts and my ability to evolve through life’s ups and downs I am sure will be essential in any challenge I face in the future!