
A love of my life!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 8: Reflection on Issues and Trends in the ECE Field Internationally

Getting to know my international ECE contact Petra has been really rewarding for me. I have enjoyed learning about her insights in the Czech Republic and it is good to know that many of these are issues and trends that professionals, children, and families are experiencing world wide and this is the first consequence of my personal and professional development through these blog assignments. I feel that my love of learning about cultures different than my own will ultimately make me into a better advocate for my communities and the ECE field I work in.

Another consequence to learning about the ECE field is that by learning about how many global websites, agencies, and grassroots programs are striving to make the world a better place and are advocating for children's rights is very humbling. Petra and I have talked (well, written) at length that our abilities, responsibilities, and goals of working in the ECE field some times seem unachievable. Sometimes it feels like we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders with all of the shortcomings in the issues and trends we are experiencing. I think it is important to remember that the work of one, DOES make a difference!

Lastly, learning about international issues and trends reminds me not to ever get comfortable with my knowledge or experience bases. There is always more to learn and more to do out there in the world of early childhood!

One goal that I will continue to have throughout my career is to take every opportunity for participant observation I can get and remember that some of the best education and insight an advocate can have is by really getting one's hands dirty! I hope to accentuate my formal education and training with travel and by continuing to reach out to my colleagues on a global scale.


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