
A love of my life!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 4: Who am I as a communicator?

This week we completed three assessments regarding communication as well as had others complete the same assessments for comparison of ourselves. These assessments rated levels of communication anxiety-the level to which we feel nervous in situations as opposed to relaxed in others in our ability to communiate, verbal aggression-levels of respect, argumentativeness, etc. regarding our communication with others, as well as determining our listenng styles-on which areas of communication we tend to focus and retain information in communication.

In the areas of communication anxiety and verbal aggression, the scores to which I assessed myself and those of how others rated me were very consistant. Concerning my levels of communication anxiety, when I am in situations where I do not know my place, or do not have enough understanding, or if I am physically in a place that is new to me, I am more likely to be nervous and limit the amount of verbal communication I engage in. However, if I am in a familiar place, with well-known people, communicating about a subject in which I feel confident in my knowlege and experience, then my level of anxiety is low and I am very willing to engage. Concerning verbal aggression, these scores were also consistant. I was raised by two very outspoken, opinionated parents, and so it is no surprise that I tend to be like this as well. However, in the work I do with children and families in the child welfare system, I must learn to remember that I have to be a camelion in my communication styles. I must learn to utilize certain skills at certain times depending on what the situation may call for.

I was very surprised about the scoring of the last category of assessment: Listening styles. I rated myself in group one, indicating that I am mostly "people-oriented" in that I try to be empathic to others and build relationships in order to be effective in my communication and work. However, others rated me in the areas of being "action-oriented" and "content-oriented" which also seem appropriate in how I listen to others during communication. Being skilled in all of these areas of listening is essential in working in child welfare if one is to be effective and promote positive social change.

In reviewing all of the possible outcomes of these assessments, I would find it difficult to COMPLETELY lump myself into any one category as I beleive there are pros and cons to each. I was happy to engage others who know me well to understand how I may be percieved in my communication styles.

I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post. I too find myself communicating in different situations. The Bill Gates statement is so true for educators and everyone
