
A love of my life!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 3: My Childhood Web

Just a few who played a part in my childhood

My Dad: I have always been a “Daddy’s girl.” He has influenced my life in many ways over the years with things he’s done, things he’s not done. Like with my mother, our relationship, as all significant ones do, has had it’s ups and downs. I have never felt unloved though. He had a way of raising me which allowed me to make my own mistakes, but learn from them. He allowed me to explore the world around me while having personal pride and a sense of responsibility. This always made me feel special growing up because I was never forced into anything, but to be exactly who I want. My father continues to be a sense of support and encouragment in my life into adulthood by listening to my frusterations about being a “grown up,” and reminding me that change, options and choices can be a good thing.

My Auntie: My aunt has always been a source of support, patience, caring and nurturing in my life. As a child, she is another who encouraged my academic progress, always taking an interest in my studies, extra-curricular activities, but especially my dreams. When other’s doubted my long term plans, she was the one who said, “stick with it, Sess. If it doesn’t work, at least there will be no regrets.” She helped guide my parents with sharing my points of view when I felt “they just don’t get it.” Auntie Denise continues to be a great mentor as I become an adult and continue to progress.

My Brother: Alex and I grew up being delt the same deck of cards. Though we chose to handle our hands differently in our childhood, we were a team for most of it. I took the role of protector over him a lot, and he would reciprocate by making me laugh things off, going out to play, or being my “wingman” during disagreements with our parents. He made me feel special by making me realize that allowing freedom of choice is just as important as receiving it. He taught me that people must find their own ways, even if relationships are altered in the process. Our relationship continues to evolve, but he will always be my little brother.

My best friend: Shan and I met during the second year of high school, but as this happened, we realized that we were connected by mutual relationships during much of our childhood. For example, Shan’s first boy friend in middle school, was my boyfriend in 3rd grade! Her second boyfriend was my 6th grade crush and fellow band geek! During middle school, I played basketball, five minutes from where she spent weekends with her dad. We still to this day question why it took so long for fate to bring us together. Eventually it happened though and I am so thankful for our friendship. Transitioning from childhood to adulthood would have been unimaginably more difficult if we weren’t “platonic life partners” as we call ourselves. She is my voice of reason, as well as the one who encourages spontaneity. She has taught me a lot about how to take the good with the bad when it comes to the most random of situations. When I feel “stuck,” she gets me unglued. And when I feel totally overwhelemed and discouraged with the state of things, she brings me back to center.

My Mom: Mom and I have always been “tough cookies.” Sometimes this was an asset in our relationship, sometimes not. All the while though, I know she loves me “as big as the whole wide world.” My mother has influenced my life in a lot of ways. I have seen what a strong, independent, woman she has been in a man’s world. I have seen her give selflessly so my brother and I could have all we needed and wanted. She taught me to go after what I want, no matter others’ critique or doubt as well as to fight for what I believe in, even if I make people frusterated or become frusterated myself because it will be worth it. She continues to make me feel special by showing her pride in me, allowing me to teach her things from time to time and continuing to have a heart of gold.

1 comment:

  1. Vanessa,
    You are so very fortunate to have your dad as a role model. Its not too many men out in the world today that are good at being a father to a child.
    My father was very good to me but he died when I was very young so I didn't have to model for me, but I did have a wonderful mother who also filled in the gap for my dad after he died.
    Its also good to have a brother around who had a great impact on your life.
    Great post!
