
A love of my life!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 6: A Favorite and Festive Childhood Memory in Lieu of Blog Assignment

Just because we do not have a regular blog assignment for class this week, doesn't mean that I want to neglect my blog, so I have chosen a great memory of my childhood to share as we come up on the Easter and Passover Holidays.
We have just passed the half way point in our first class with Walden's MS in Early Childhood Studies and it feels great to be a student again! As these holidays get closer and Spring is in full force, I am reminded of the lessons these important days bring with them. To make a long story short, they remind us that the future can and will be better for us than the present. Most of us struggle with things currently, which in a couple years from now, may seem laughable and insignificant. Our only recourse to this is to learn from our mistakes, trying not to have any regrets.
I remember going to Grandma and Grandpa's "Big Red House" for Seder dinner (mom and dad always making sure my brother and I enjoyed our Easter Baskets as well). Being the first born grandchild, it was often my responsibility before Alex could read, to read the story of the Child Slaves escaping evil Pharaoh of Egypt, learning to count our blessings, asking the four questions, and of course eating Grandma's amazing kosher foods. Latkes, Matzo Ball Soup (nobody's Matzo Balls are as light and fluffy as Grandma's), brisket, challah, etc.
This is a great website for anyone to visit to learn more about the Passover Holiday, as well as how it very similarly coincides with Easter.  http://www.happypassover.net/ it is a user-friendly site to learn about the history of the holiday, the lessons which may be extracted from it, recipes, music, activities, etc.
I think it is important to remind the children and families we serve that things may always be worse than they are, that hope is a good thing, and that we all must play our parts in making sure we leave the world a better place than we found it.
Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Vanessa, I really enjoyed reading your blog posts throughout this course. Your posts were inspiring and encouraging and very supportive of the early childhood field. I hope to see you in future classes so that we may continue to learn from one another.

  2. Vanessa,

    I've enjoyed everything we've been able to share throughout this course. Your blog posts and discussion board responses are always uplifting and fun to read. Thanks for all your intuitive ideas and support throughout this first course. The rest of our journey to our Master's degrees will be fun!


  3. What a great point to make! I think that your attitude is that of a survivor. Positive thinking and the ability to see long will take one far. Thanks for your sharing your unique insight and for creating a great blog. Best wishes for the future!
